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Posts with tag "technical"

SIGTRAP, the mysterious yet deadly error

SIGTRAP, the mysterious yet deadly error

Celebrating Win7 Simu's error resolved, how I managed to fix this mysterious error.

Implementing custom cursors in Win7 Simu

Implementing custom cursors in Win7 Simu

Deep dive into how custom cursors are implemented in Win7 Simu.

Implementing Windows Media Center in Win7 Simu

Implementing Windows Media Center in Win7 Simu

Sharing on how Windows Media Center was implemented in Win7 Simu.

Turning my CodePen into an actual app

Turning my CodePen into an actual app

From a simple idea, what merely looked like a playful demo on CodePen, but turned into a full-fledged app

Introducing Win7 UI

Introducing Win7 UI

The open-source UI library that powers Win7 Simu behind the scenes.

Implementing File Explorer in Win7 Simu

Implementing File Explorer in Win7 Simu

Some key points to share about how Win7 Simu's File Explorer is implemented.

Windows 7 icon Viewer/Downloader

Windows 7 icon Viewer/Downloader

A simple tool to view and download Windows 7 icon collection.

How to get iframes to load any websites

How to get iframes to load any websites

The most effective way to get iframes embedded in your web apps to load any websites

How I built Win7 Simu

How I built Win7 Simu

Read about my journey with Win7 Simu, how it all started and unveiling some boring technical stuff behind the scene

How I built

How I built

Read about the progress and how I built the website for my own brand

Indie products