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See what users have to say about Win7 Simu and Brick 1100.

User avatarIan Martinez

Thank you for creating this amazing experience for Windows 7 enthusiasts. I'm excited to see how this project evolves.

User avatarKevin Calderón

It is the best Windows simulator since it looks the same as the original Windows, you can change the appearance to that of other versions of Windows, although it has ads that are... Read more

User avatarEkaterina Koroleva

Sooooo cool app. It's cool to have a computer on your phone. This also works without the Internet!

User avatarÁlvaro Almeida

I'm simply amazed because of the excellence of this application, I downloaded it to try to find out how to use a computer, I know the basics hehe but I can't download an image... Read more

User avatarЕкатерина Астрид

The application is amazing, including launching the paint browser and so on, even the start menu is there, it's just amazing, including it can be downloaded to any device and I'm... Read more

User avatarMr_Nazar

I'm shocked, just how did you do it! The best app for all Windows, etc., even games. Cool app! Respect to the creator and thanks for the simulator.

User avatarlucashenriquelamb

Thanks for bringing back nostalgia memories!! That was my first phone ever so I love it!!!

User avatarDavi da Silva Bento

The app is really cool, I showed it to my grandmother and she remembered Windows 95. She loved it and so did I!

User avatarTashauna Stewart

I absolutely love this app! I can upload files on my phone to it, and work in a much less visually cluttered environment than my phone! I love everything about this app so far,... Read more

User avatarElizangela Gomes dos reis

This app is good and very similar to Windows 7, but it's missing some features that the real Windows has, and some things don't work. The developers could make this app even more... Read more

User avatarFares Alami

This is absolutely one of the best simulators for windows on mobile! I respect the devoloper for not being greedy, the app has ads but they are not disturbing and are present in... Read more

User avatarMaria Jose Cano Rodriguez

I love that I have never had a computer so good to play and experiment with. And the content inside looks very real. Thank you.

User avatarJoão Gabriel

I loved it! I wanted to buy a computer but I didn't have the money, so to make ends meet I downloaded this one and I loved it! Congratulations!

User avatarSeva Lgov

The best and most realistic Windows simulator. Thanks to the developers for the simulator. I've tried many Windows simulators and haven't found a better one yet :)

User avatarAnushka Tamil

It's really awesome! I did not expect this! Even a computer will lose. Thanks for providing a great application

User avatarHoly Relic

You guys are friggin geniuses!! It's one of the best app I ever downloaded. It really feels like i have a pocket computer! You can even search Google with internet and it actually... Read more

User avatarNester Animator

Top simulator! While competitors post a photo of their desktop, this person did everything so well that even I didn't expect it. For those who want to install .exe, .msi... Read more

User avatarSergio Francisco

I haven't tested it in depth, but as little as I've used the app, I can already say that it's one of the best I've used... Topp, the experience has been incredibly wonderful. I... Read more

User avatar:/

I used to have a Windows 7 computer that my mom would work on and ever since I've been sad to see it go. But this, this has brought this nostalgia back to me simply as a mini... Read more

User avatarCip

That's what I call a real Windows Simulator, it is exactly like Windows 7 but on mobile! I really like it and I gave 5 STARS beacuse of it! I hope you make really awesome updates... Read more

User avatarAldree Syafiq

Best Windows Simulator ever! If you want to change from a phone to a PC then this app is for you. It has more than just Windows 7, it also has Win8, Win8.1, WinXp, Win11, Win10,... Read more

User avatarSoviet Gamer621

I've been using this app for a while now and it's actually really well-made compared to other simulators I've seen and I can tell there's been a lot of effort put into it.... Read more

User avatarLeox

Omg! It works!!! Thank you so much for bringing our childhood memories back! I really like the game "Purble Place". A huge respect for giving us strong nostalgia vibes about our... Read more

User avatarThe Gaelic gladiator

I actually posted a review on this about a year back but the app has changed a lot it's gone from 4* - 5* originally it was very minimal and you couldn't really do anything but... Read more

User avatarJephe Mendoza

I absolutely love this game. Nice animations, good amount of programs, able to play .mp4 files, 2 browsers, and the childhood games!

User avatarRailey Dean Tiamson

I love this simulator! This app made me feel the best experience of Windows 7! My computer is Windows 10, but no need to downgrade, I will use this app to use Windows 7. It has... Read more

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